Low Level Design Elevator System

vipul pachauri
3 min readJun 7, 2023


Data Model

  1. Building -> Floor, Lift
  2. Floor -> Display, External Button
  3. Lift -> Display,Internal Button, State, Direction
  4. Display -> Direction, Floor Id
  5. External Button -> Direction
  6. Direction -> UP,DOWN
  7. State -> MOVING,IDLE
  8. Request -> current floor, destination floor,Direction, Location

Now, Let’s take the real use case where we have to queue the all request. We can use two queue one for all up requests (up-queue) and second for all down requests (down-queue). We will use min and max heap.

Up-Queue -> Min Heap

Down-Queue -> Max Heap

package LLD.Lift;

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;

public class Elevator {

private int currentFloor;
private Direction direction;
private PriorityQueue<Request> upQueue;
private PriorityQueue<Request> downQueue;

public Elevator(int currentFloor) {
this.currentFloor = currentFloor;

this.direction = Direction.IDLE;

// use default, which is a min heap
upQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(a -> a.desiredFloor));

// use a max heap
downQueue = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> b.desiredFloor - a.desiredFloor);

public void sendUpRequest(Request upRequest) {
// If the request is sent from out side of the elevator,
// we need to stop at the current floor of the requester
// to pick him up, and then go the the desired floor.
if (upRequest.location == Location.OUTSIDE_ELEVATOR) {
// Go pick up the requester who is outside of the elevator
upQueue.offer(new Request(upRequest.currentFloor,

System.out.println("Append up request going to floor " + upRequest.currentFloor + ".");

// Go to the desired floor

System.out.println("Append up request going to floor " + upRequest.desiredFloor + ".");

public void sendDownRequest(Request downRequest) {
// Similar to the sendUpRequest logic
if (downRequest.location == Location.OUTSIDE_ELEVATOR) {
downQueue.offer(new Request(downRequest.currentFloor,

System.out.println("Append down request going to floor " + downRequest.currentFloor + ".");

// Go to the desired floor

System.out.println("Append down request going to floor " + downRequest.desiredFloor + ".");

public void run() {
while (!upQueue.isEmpty() || !downQueue.isEmpty()) {

System.out.println("Finished all requests.");
this.direction = Direction.IDLE;

private void processRequests() {
if (this.direction == Direction.UP || this.direction == Direction.IDLE) {
} else {

private void processUpRequest() {
while (!upQueue.isEmpty()) {
Request upRequest = upQueue.poll();
// Communicate with hardware
this.currentFloor = upRequest.desiredFloor;
System.out.println("Processing up requests. Elevator stopped at floor " + this.currentFloor + ".");
if (!downQueue.isEmpty()) {
this.direction = Direction.DOWN;
} else {
this.direction = Direction.IDLE;

private void processDownRequest() {
while (!downQueue.isEmpty()) {
Request downRequest = downQueue.poll();
// Communicate with hardware
this.currentFloor = downRequest.desiredFloor;
System.out.println("Processing down requests. Elevator stopped at floor " + this.currentFloor + ".");
if (!upQueue.isEmpty()) {
this.direction = Direction.UP;
} else {
this.direction = Direction.IDLE;

public static void main(String[] args) {
Elevator elevator = new Elevator(0);

Request upRequest1 = new Request(elevator.currentFloor, 5, Direction.UP, Location.INSIDE_ELEVATOR);
Request upRequest2 = new Request(elevator.currentFloor, 3, Direction.UP, Location.INSIDE_ELEVATOR);

Request downRequest1 = new Request(elevator.currentFloor, 1, Direction.DOWN, Location.INSIDE_ELEVATOR);
Request downRequest2 = new Request(elevator.currentFloor, 2, Direction.DOWN, Location.INSIDE_ELEVATOR);
Request downRequest3 = new Request(4, 0, Direction.DOWN, Location.OUTSIDE_ELEVATOR);

// Two people inside of the elevator pressed button to go up to floor 5 and 3.

// One person outside of the elevator at floor 4 pressed button to go down to floor 0

// Two person inside of the elevator pressed button to go down to floor 1 and 2.



Thanks For Reading !! Happy Learning !!



vipul pachauri
vipul pachauri

Written by vipul pachauri

Senior Software Backend Engineer

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