CAP Theorem discussion summary with ChatGPT
CAP Theorem:
1. Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance are the three fundamental requirements for any distributed system.
2. It is impossible for a distributed system to guarantee all three requirements simultaneously.
1. MySQL is a CP system, which means it sacrifices availability to achieve consistency in case of partition failure.
2. InnoDB ensures data consistency across nodes in a distributed system through a single node read/write and asynchronous data syncing on secondary nodes.
3. InnoDB uses multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) to maintain consistency across nodes in case of partition failure.
4. Quorum-based replication in MySQL ensures consistency and availability in a distributed system.
1. MongoDB is an AP system, which means it sacrifices consistency to achieve availability in case of partition failure.
2. MongoDB’s design allows for eventual consistency, which may not be ideal for applications that require strong consistency.
3. MongoDB’s sharding architecture makes scaling easier, but managing consistency across shards after partition failure can be challenging.
4. MongoDB uses a distributed locking system to maintain consistency across nodes in case of partition failure.
5. MongoDB’s write concern and read concern options allow for tuning the trade-off between consistency and availability.
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